Monday 30 May 2016



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Tuesday 10 May 2016

Posting # 1

What is your perception of social media, do you think it is a fad or the biggest shift since the Industrial Revolution?
Social Media has changed how people exchanged ideas, messages and kept individuals informed and entertained. It is amazing to think that there are so many individuals listed in facebook to rival the population of an entire country, even getting into the top ten most populated  (Grady, 2010). I think technology is here to stay and could only get better with time.  
                As compared to traditional ways of disseminating information, like television, radio and printed materials, social media has opened a whole new line up of choices in communicating ideas in the form of written electronic word, photographs, video and music. With the advent of the internet, anyone can now create, publish and post for free with the world as your audience. And I think, social media is here to stay just like the internet. There are several advantages with social media as compared to traditional media (Hausman, 2012); It is a free platform, a two-way conversation, informal language, an open system with active participation from the viewers and creators.
                Take the book as an example. A reference book is a lot heavier as compared to an ebook. These books are essentially the same in terms of content. Price wise, the ebook is cheaper than the traditional physical book, plus, it’s light weight, portable and words can be enlarged for reading comfort.  Even newspapers and magazines can be seen in electronic format. It will not be long when the time comes that everything will be available electronically. Just recently, my teacher stated that references might shift to ebooks because of this. Perhaps this is a good thing for the environment; it is about time to save the trees.
                In conclusion, social media is not a fad. It has begun something spectacular that could only evolve into something even more meaningful and enduring. Consider the number of videos uploaded into youtube in 24 hours, or the amount of photographs posted in Instagram, not to mention the tweets, profile updates and the shared posts. This is a new kind of empowerment, one that we should be mindful of. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility (Raimi , 2002).

Grady, J. (2010, September 2). Social Media Revolution Socialnomics 2011 [Video File]. Retrieved from
Hausman, A. (2012, July 5). 16 Differences Between Traditional Media and Social Networking. Retrieved from Mkt Maven:
Raimi , S. (Director). (2002). Spider-Man [Motion Picture].